If you have has the unfortunate experience of having to deal with a serious collision on the road, chances are that you have had to have a windshield replacement done on your car. There are some things you should take into account after a windshield repair to ensure that the repair is successful for many years to come. There are certain risks attributed to newly repaired or replaced windshield that we will identify and explain here. This is the Speer’s life after windshield replacement guide!
Preserve Your New Autoglass
After a windshield replacement, do not race out to the nearest car wash for a rinse. This pressure and use of cleaning chemicals could be very detrimental to your new windshield. After an auto glass replacement, do not go through a car wash for at least a week. The rain, however, will not damage your windshield. In Fact, the moisture from the rain might help cure the solvent used in the replacement of windshields.
Find Out Your Drive Away Time
Every car and windshield replacement is different, and the same applies to your “drive away time”. Your drive away time refers to how long you should wait after a windshield repair or replacement to drive your car again. This will vary by car, windshield, and materials used. This means you will need to double check with your auto glass repair professional to find out your personal drive away time.
This is where you need to be committed to being observant with your new windshield. Make a habit of quickly checking the surface for new nicks or crack every morning to ensure that nothing has gone wrong with the replacement or repair. If you see or suspect that your new windshield might be leaking or has access moisture seeping through, immediately contact the repair professional who worked on your windshield. If you see a crack (even a tiny, seemingly insignificant) or slit in your windshield, contact your repair professional. These cracks have the potential to spread, which would be disastrous for your replacement.
If you need a windshield replacement, do not hesitate to contact us today for a free quote!