What To Look Out For When Driving to Avoid Auto Glass Repairs!
While small damages to your windshield may only seem ‘kind of annoying’ and not necessary to fix, repairing the chip in your windshield should not be put off. There are precautions that drivers in Ontario can take to ensure the chips and cracks in their windshield are not recurring. Your windshield plays a significant role in the safety of you and the passengers in your vehicle. A well-maintained windshield can help to protect you from serious crash injuries, not to mention, keeping the auto glass of your car maintained makes your automobile much more presentable. These are a few precautions car owners can take to ensure their windshield is not going to get cracked, chipped, shattered or damaged at all. By being aware and ensuring quality maintenance of your windshield you will be saving yourself time and money without even noticing.Taking special care behind trucks
- If you find yourself following or beside a vehicle with 4 rear tires, try and move.
- If a truck in front of you does not have mud flaps by the tires- in which throw stones and rocks harder and further than that of a typical car or truck.
- Keep a steady distance between you and the car or truck in front of you. Tailgating is likely to cause cracks, chips and other damages to your car.
Other tips:
- Do not tailgate cars as little particles from the road can go flying behind the car and damage your windshield.
- Avoid parking on the side of the road, try to park in a parking lot or driveway.
- Check your windshield wipers regularly.