Don’t Let a Crack or Chip Become a Major Issue: Avoid Getting to the Replacement Stage!

During the winter, caring for your vehicle becomes difficult as you worry more about getting from A to B than the weather effects on the components of your car. However, your auto glass should not be neglected as the heavy snow and wind conditions are factors that can damage. Over the course of the winter seasons, cheapest windshield replacement are very common and we want to ensure that you take all preventative measures so that you are not in that position! Your windshield is not only a transparent window for you to be able to see when you are driving but it provides assistance in many situations such as airbag deployment and safety in general. When it is damaged, it becomes hazardous for both the driver and any passengers in the vehicle as it no longer provides the safety functions or is capable of the basic performances. Keep reading to learn about the various factors that can damage your windshield and how you can be proactive to avoid those damages:

Debris and Flying Rocks

Whether you are near a construction site or live near a nature path, debris can be very common. When it comes to construction sites, there are always signs that indicate there may be falling rocks or unstable objects — this is an indicator that you should not be parking your vehicle in those lots and should avoid these areas if possible. If you live near a nature path, the roads may have more debris and small pebbles that can fly up as you’re driving and damage your windshield. Although this is less common, small cracks contribute to bigger issues which results in replacements so it is best to be cautious and drive slower when you are in those areas.

Weather Changes

As we are in the midst of winter, the weather has become a lot windier and snowy as a result of the storms that arise. When there is dangerous weather outside, you should do your best to ensure that you are not driving on the roads unless absolutely necessary. Winds and storms can pick up additional debris that can damage the auto glass. To avoid getting harmed by this weather, driving slowly and being detail oriented can help you navigate the roads properly to ensure your auto glass is safe.

Bad De-Icing Techniques During winter months, the cold weather may contribute to the ice that is stuck on your windshield in those freezing mornings. When it comes to de-icing before you drive, there are methods that result in damages to your windshield. For example, if you pour hot water onto a frozen windshield, it may melt it quickly but at the same time, it will create a windshield crack. In addition to this, do not use any sharp objects to chip away the ice as it can crack or scratch your auto glass. If you are in a hurry, use cold water and a plastic ice scraper instead so that you can safely clear your windshield. At the same time, ensure that you have started your vehicle and the defroster is on. Together, those techniques will ensure you avoid any damages to your windshield and will be time efficient.

General External Factors

When driving, you should be focused on the road, the side mirrors, and what is going on behind you. The external factors going on around are important to note down. If you’re near a park, know that there may be sports going on. If you’re near trails with animal crossings, there may be wildlife that can run out. Ensure that you are aware of your surroundings and the different factors that can cause damage to your windshield. Park in safe areas without a lot of movement and drive around any potholes and factors that will cause small issues as they can contribute to large cracks in your windshield. If you have any signs or minor cracks in your windshield, take it to Speers Auto Glass for a quick quote on a windshield replacement. Do not neglect to get your auto glass fixed as it can put you and your passengers in a hazardous position.


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